While travelling around Welland you may have noticed a bright red “Hope has Heart” advertising message on the back of a Niagara Region Transit bus, or a bright orange “Hope Feeds Families” ad on a bus bench. You may have also seen the Facebook carousel ads on your feed and wondered what this was all about?
In 2021, the Board of Directors, staff, volunteers, and stakeholders of The Hope Centre finalized a strategic plan to guide The Hope Centre into the year 2025. As a part of this exercise, it was identified that there were many more families and individuals who could benefit from the services offered at The Hope Centre. Our strategic plan called for a plan to help share the word about the supports available at The Hope Centre.
Thanks to a grant from the Community Services Recovery Fund, we were able to create our ‘More than a Food Bank’ advertising campaign. This campaign was cleverly designed by the ChimpAgency and aims to raise awareness about our essential services, including Housing Help, Emergency Shelter, Food Security, Counselling and more.
The funds that we received are helping us to share our message that we are “More than a Food Bank” serving the community of Welland. Our intention is to raise awareness about all of our services at The Hope Centre so that families and individuals living in Welland in need of support can reach out for help! In addition to our services, we also operate a social service hub at 570 King Street that supports people through addictions, mental health, trauma and housing instability.
Learn more about Our Services.